A Estate which consist of cinnamon, Tea and Coconut is for Sale. - Urban Trading
in Malandeniya , Yakkalamulla
✅The land Extend 31 Acres and there is,
About 80 years old colonial Bungalow
✅18 Acres of Tea and which 5 acres consists of sprinkler system
✅8 acres of Cinnamon
✅400 Coconut Trees
✅50 Jack Tress
✅5 Acres of bare land which is suitable for eco tourism.
❎And also 3 agricultural wells which can be used in the dry season
🩸Gov. registered cinnamon oil Distillation plant for both bark oil and leaf oil. (permit issued)
🩸SL Tea board registered Tea plant nursery 100,000 plants. (permit issued)
🎪Location – Malandeniya, Yakkalamulla
🎪Expected price – 110 Million Rupees
Serious buyers only
🩸Property or vehicle exchange considered••
🔵From Tea Gain about 300,000-400,000 (profit)per month.
🔵From Cinnamon take harvest 2 times every year in may and December. (Per six months duration)
🔵1000kg (twice a year 1000*2 = 2000kg) About 2.5 million – 3million per year ( profit)
6000kg – 7000kg Tea per month 5 acres of land is still seasoning.
🔵An also there are 400 coconut plants age of 2 years.
🔵Tea plantation land amount and planted years respectively.
🩸1 acre – 2017 (water supply system with PVC lines)
🩸1.5 acre – 2017(have sprinkler system)
🩸5 acre – 2018(have sprinkler system )
🩸1 acre – 2019(have sprinkler system)
🩸1.5 acres soil rehabilitation with Citronella (supposing to plant in May this year)
🩸Antonia – over 60 trees

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